Chants of Healing and Power

Singing is a direct way into the spiritual realm. There we find joy, love, lightness, hope, strength, healing and sometimes even ourselves.

Chants of healing and power for me are songs that align our focus on certain aspects of our lives, just as affirmations. When e.g. we face obstacles in life a mantra to Ganesha might help us to overcome these obstacles as Ganesha in hinduism stands for the overcoming of obstacles. And yet it is not about the religious aspect of a song. You do not need to be hindu to sing a mantra. You do not need to fulfill religious dogma so that chants of different cultures support you. It is enough when you open yourself to the spiritual realm. It is sufficient when you trace the mood and maybe the text (if there is any). It is great when you are open to messages, feelings, food for thought, change of perspective aso. And of course it is wonderful as well when chanting just does you good, frees your mind, makes you happy. Sometimes it is enough just to feel good, right?

We will come to know chants from different cultures, maybe sing along to an audio, chime, test our voices, maybe there will be evenings with certain topics eg wheel-of-the-year evenings, birth, death, peace, love ..... you are welcome to bring in your ideas.

Also there are no conditions you have to fulfill. So please do not think "But I cannot sing". It is not about perfection. It is about emotion and spirituality. Your attitude and emotions are important. Not single notes.

I am very happy that I found a beautiful location where we can have a regular singing circle.

Starting the 15.5.2024 we will meet once a month at bodaSana in Köln-Bickendorf. It is a wonderful center for holistic healing by different approaches. In the affectionate designed room we can have a good time. Here is the link to bodySana:

The first dates are the 15.5. and 12.6.2024, the following dates I will announce in time. We start at 19:30h and finish at 21:00h.

Please bring natural water or tea, whatever you like best.

Contribution fee for the room and text copies is 10€, which you simply bring with you on the evening.

I would love to hear in advance when you come. But there will be - at least for the first months - no obligatory application. So you can come spontaneously too.